Discrimination or distribution? Case study on salary and gender differences

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S. Nobre
F. Vicente Castro
S. Reis
L. Vicente


This article was prepared, after a previous work on the field of several companies of the industrial graphic sector, with the primary objective of evaluating the degree of satisfaction or accommodation to justice / injustice wage of a convenience sample with both genders and their future perspectives of salary justice. We decide to study the company that revealed greater gender homogeneity, thus ensuring balance both numerically: 37 subjects interviewed, including 18 women and 19 men, as well as relevant characteristics such as age, professional categories and academic  qualifications. In conclusion, women still receive lower wages compared to men, in the performance of the same functions and with a similar degree of productivity, corroborating previous studies.

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Author Biographies

S. Nobre, Doutorada em Psicología Universidad de Extremadura

Doutorada em Psicología
Universidad de Extremadura

F. Vicente Castro, Catedrático de Psicología Universidad de Extremadura

Catedrático de Psicología
Universidad de Extremadura

S. Reis, Doutorada em Psicología Universidad de Extremadura

Doutorada em Psicología
Universidad de Extremadura

L. Vicente, Psicóloga no Centro de Investigação da Clínica Delicate Age Saúde

Psicóloga no Centro de Investigação da
Clínica Delicate Age Saúde

How to Cite

Discrimination or distribution? Case study on salary and gender differences. (2019). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(2), 71-82. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2019.n2.v2.1742


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