Biomarkers in alzheimer’s dementia: health system and ageism
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The aging of the population in Spain is an issue that not only concerns the health of the population and Health, but also has important repercussions on the economy, family structure, sustainability of the pension system, etc. It involves a high health expenditure, as an example: 52% of the Specialized Care expenditure is dedicated to people over 65 and those over 70 are responsible for 40% of the total health expenditure. The data presented above denote that the health system has failed to adapt to the new social situation, increasing the age and responsibility for the sustainability of the system to the elderly population. The biomarkers of amyloid deposition and neurodegeneration (obtained from the cerebrospinal fluid: A 1-42 peptide and Tau total and phosphorylated Tau proteins), or by neuroimaging techniques (magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or positron emission tomography (PET with 18F- PET-FDG fluorodeoxyglucose.) Biomarkers in peripheral blood are not yet standardized for clinical diagnosis, therefore, the use of hyperspectral imaging techniques for the determination of biomarkers, as well as the application of these techniques in the clinic, will favor both diagnosis as the treatment of patients with DTA.
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