Occupational therapy in frailty: a bibliographic approach

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Mirian Santamaría Peláez
Jerónimo González Bernal


Frailty syndrome is a high prevalence situation among elderly people that affects performance; it is also precursor for adverse events, even dependence or death; but, it is also a situation that can be reversed. Occupational therapy, as a discipline that tends to an optimum performance in all activities of daily living, can carry out interventions focused in prevention or reversion of this frailty situation. With the aim to know the research situation about frailty from occupational therapy point of view, a revision is made. After a selection of the articles, 13 that comply established criteria are obtained. It is concluded that research in this field is very scarce although results obtained in studies endorse the effectiveness of occupational therapy interventions in frail elderly.

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Author Biographies

Mirian Santamaría Peláez, Universidad de Burgos

Universidad de Burgos

Jerónimo González Bernal, Universidad de Burgos

Universidad de Burgos

How to Cite

Occupational therapy in frailty: a bibliographic approach. (2020). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 113-120. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2020.n2.v1.1960


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