The university mediation: a resource guide. Experience at the University of Alicante

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Salvador Grau Company
Carlota Gónzalez Gomez
José Daniel Álvarez Teruel


This research on the concept of orientation we share with Bisquerra (2002), who defines it as a process of continuous assistance to all people, in all aspects, in order to enhance human development throughout the lifetime. In this framework fit all actions directed towards those who need and are looking for support for their personal, academic and professional growth. In the historically unreceptive to such actions, university level are widespread as a result of new methodological concepts that European convergence requires new and innovative concepts that support and guidance in the university as tutoring, college transition or mediation . And there are already many institutions that have launched innovation agencies and programs for effective development. The University of Alicante has been working on these issues for several years and one of the most innovative experiences develops the Faculty of Education, introducing the figure of the mediator as a resource for resolving conflicts. As part of this innovation we plan to address what is meant by mediation and what is its functionality, while making a reflection on those involved and the skills needed for implementation. He has participated in research a group of applicant’s resource students and faculty constituted Research Network. From the results obtained in the search for conceptual and functional delimitation, management strategies and proposals for action in the mediation process we can conclude that it is a positive and necessary aspect that pays the tasks of university management and solving the student’s situations that may hinder adequate personal and academic development.This research on the concept of orientation we share with Bisquerra (2002), who defines it as a process of continuous assistance to all people, in all aspects, in order to enhance human development throughout the lifetime. In this framework fit all actions directed towards those who need and are looking for support for their personal, academic and professional growth. In the historically unreceptive to such actions, university level are widespread as a result of new methodological concepts that European convergence requires new and innovative concepts that support and guidance in the university as tutoring, college transition or mediation . And there are already many institutions that have launched innovation agencies and programs for effective development. The University of Alicante has been working on these issues for several years and one of the most innovative experiences develops the Faculty of Education, introducing the figure of the mediator as a resource for resolving conflicts. As part of this innovation we plan to address what is meant by mediation and what is its functionality, while making a reflection on those involved and the skills needed for implementation. He has participated in research a group of applicant’s resource students and faculty constituted Research Network. From the results obtained in the search for conceptual and functional delimitation, management strategies and proposals for action in the mediation process we can conclude that it is a positive and necessary aspect that pays the tasks of university management and solving the student’s situations that may hinder adequate personal and academic development.

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Author Biographies

Salvador Grau Company, Universidad dAlicante

Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y Didáctica

Dictor del ICE de la Universidad de Alicante


Carlota Gónzalez Gomez, Universidad de Alicante

Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y Didáctica

Profesora Mediadora de la Facultad de Educación

José Daniel Álvarez Teruel, Universidad de Alicante

Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y Didáctica

Coordinador de Formación Continua de la Universidad de Alicante

Cordinador del Programa de Acción Tutorial de la Universidad de Alicante

How to Cite

The university mediation: a resource guide. Experience at the University of Alicante. (2016). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 365-374.


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