Role of education in early childhood in a society of change

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Esther Sánchez Morales


This research study aims to investigate the current problem in which society is immersed in matters of education. The society in which we live is submitted in a series of social, cultural, economic and educational changes that are affected by globalization. Education seeks to instill standards and behaviors that serve as tools for the personal and social development of new generations. At thesametime, therole of parentsin the development of theirchildren and the wayto linkto them makes their work essential in life, but the world of work, lack of availabi- lity, lack of tools to act in education Of their children makes the process more complex, espe- cially in early childhood. This article presents education as a fundamental value in society and the changes associated with the birth of new generations.

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Author Biography

Esther Sánchez Morales, Licenciada en Psicopedagogía Universidad de Granada

Licenciada en Psicopedagogía
Universidad de Granada

How to Cite

Role of education in early childhood in a society of change. (2020). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 255-262.


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