Social perception of AIDS: a comparative study between Spain and Argentina

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Estefanía Ruiz-Palomino
Rafael Ballester-Arnal
M. Dolores Gil-Llario
Cristina Giménez-García
Pedro Salmerón-Sánchez


Cultural context influences on social perception of AIDS. Social factors modulate risk perception of HIV infection and attitudes towards patients. In order to examine cultural differences in social perception of AIDS, 200 Spanish young people (Mage = 20.25; SD = 1.88) and 183 Argentinian young people (Mage = 22.30; SD = 2.89) were evaluated. The Questionnaire of AIDS Prevention, that assesses the main components of preventive theoretical models about HIV, was used. Results show statistically significant differences for perceived probability of HIV infection where Argentinian identify more risk than Spanish do (p≤.001). There are not statistically significant differences for fear perceived (p = .408). Young people in both countries assume more risk of infection for drug addicts, followed by heterosexuals and homosexuals. However, Spanish young people assume more risk of infection for drug addicts (p≤.001) compared to Argentinian young people do. Contrarily, Argentinian young people assume more risk for heterosexuals (p≤.001) and homosexuals (p≤.001) compared to Spanish young people do. In addition, Argentinian young people estimate higher physical and social suffering in seropositive people (p≤.001). There are not statistically significant differences for solidarity towards patients (p = .403). Finally, young people in each country report that they would maintain their behaviour or increase their support if they discovered a friend’s HIV infection (p = .053). Social perception may be a protective or inconvenient factor for primary and secondary prevention, as well as an important factor to diminish or increase patients’ stigma.Cultural context influences on social perception of AIDS. Social factors modulate risk perception of HIV infection and attitudes towards patients. In order to examine cultural differences in social perception of AIDS, 200 Spanish young people (Mage = 20.25; SD = 1.88) and 183 Argentinian young people (Mage = 22.30; SD = 2.89) were evaluated. The Questionnaire of AIDS Prevention, that assesses the main components of preventive theoretical models about HIV, was used. Results show statistically significant differences for perceived probability of HIV infection where Argentinian identify more risk than Spanish do (p≤.001). There are not statistically significant differences for fear perceived (p = .408). Young people in both countries assume more risk of infection for drug addicts, followed by heterosexuals and homosexuals. However, Spanish young people assume more risk of infection for drug addicts (p≤.001) compared to Argentinian young people do. Contrarily, Argentinian young people assume more risk for heterosexuals (p≤.001) and homosexuals (p≤.001) compared to Spanish young people do. In addition, Argentinian young people estimate higher physical and social suffering in seropositive people (p≤.001). There are not statistically significant differences for solidarity towards patients (p = .403). Finally, young people in each country report that they would maintain their behaviour or increase their support if they discovered a friend’s HIV infection (p = .053). Social perception may be a protective or inconvenient factor for primary and secondary prevention, as well as an important factor to diminish or increase patients’ stigma.

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How to Cite

Social perception of AIDS: a comparative study between Spain and Argentina. (2016). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 181-188.


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