The influence of personality in the perception of health care of Spanish youth

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Vicente Morell-Mengual
Estefanía Ruiz-Palomino
Cristina Giménez-García
Jesús Castro-Calvo
Irene Díaz-Rodríguez


The main causes of mortality and morbidity among the population are related to lifestyle. This study analyzes the effects of personality in the perception of health self-care. 200 youth from Valencian Community (Spain) were assessed (Mage = 20.92, SD = 2.25). Revised NEO Personality Inventory and Health Self-care Scale were used. Young people care for their health averaged 62.83 points (SD = 12.19), out of a possible 110 points. Most of them care of driving, hygiene and sexuality. By contrast, they take less care of physical exercise, alcohol consumption and medical checkup. The analysis of correlations shows that young people with higher scores on Conscientiousness care most health areas evaluated. People with higher Neuroticism care less over the feeding, physical exercise, consumption of tobacco and other drugs. Extraversion correlates positively with careful diet and sexual habits. Openness to Experience is positively associated with careful diet and sun exposure habits. Finally, Agreeableness correlates positively with care over consumption of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, and driving. The regression analysis revealed that Agreeableness and Conscientiousness explained about 18.2 percent of the variance in the perception of health self-care. The individual characteristics of individuals, considered as active agents, are one of the most important for understanding the processes involved in the acquisition, maintenance or impairment of own health.

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How to Cite

The influence of personality in the perception of health care of Spanish youth. (2016). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 173-180.


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