Sexual health in women who have sex with women: gaps and challenges for health professionals

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Cynthia Vergara-Maldonado
Ángel Gasch- Gallén


The prevalence of sexually transmitted infections (STDs) among women who have sex with women (WSW) is unclear, and the most effective interventions to ensure their self-care in this area are unknown. Therefore, the aim of the research focused on identifying the existing knowledge, gaps and recommendations in the scientific literature on sexual health in WSW by conducting a scoping review on sexual health in WSW from 2000 to 2019. Information was extracted on the key characteristics of the studies and the quality of the evidence, through categories such as: comprehensive sexual health, specification of sexual practices in WSW and recommendations of sexual health professionals, and studies with a lack of focus on sexual health in WSW were excluded. Thirty-nine studies, mostly cross-sectional, were selected. Gaps identified centred on the absence of evidence on sexual health, confusion about sexual orientation and sexual practices, lack of specific interest in comprehensive sexual health and little focus on the life course. Recommendations were oriented towards WSW self-care, interventions aimed at clinical practice, research, education and prevention by health professionals but without a life-course approach. Thus, there are several gaps in sexual health in WSW. The absence of published data on the health problems of WSW perpetuates the heteronormative model of health care, placing them in unequal settings. Existing evidence points to the need to intervene by improving self-care with a holistic approach. This is an aspect of excellence for health professionals to develop strategies.

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Sexual health in women who have sex with women: gaps and challenges for health professionals. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1).


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