Analysis of group management skills in a DFI affective-sexual education program

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María Dolores Gil-Llario
Verónica Estruch-García
Olga Fernández-García


The professionals who implement affective-sexual education programs for intellectual disabilities people need to have group management skills to directing the sessions towards the established objectives. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the incidents that occurred in the application of the SALUDIVERSEX Program, depending on the type of content of the session (skills or attitudes) and analyzing the management skills of the group in 29 professionals (90% were women and 10% were men). The results suggest inappropriate behaviors of users are the most frequent incidents both in the sessions to work skills (58,3%) and attitudes (53.8%). However, the low participation is more often in the sessions that work attitudes (30,7%). This could be due to user perceptions of usefulness of the topics worked in these sessions. On the other hand, the emergence of emotions is more usual in skills sessions (25%). Regarding the skills of professionals, in the most cases, they respond adequately to the problems that arise. However, they don’t react correctly to inappropriate behavior in the 28,5%% of the time, and they don’t know to manage emotions in the 42% of the time, and they don't react correctly to low participation in the 50% of the time. These results highlight the need to address the group management skills of professionals so that this aspect does not affect the effectiveness of interventions.

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Analysis of group management skills in a DFI affective-sexual education program. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1).


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