SAFO Project: Sexual diversity throughout the life cycle in Spain
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Sexual orientation has been, especially in the past, a highly guarded and restricted dimension of sexuality, with any behavior or desire that departed from heterosexuality being punished. However, nowadays, young people have much more information and openness towards sexual diversity. For this reason, this study aims to evaluate sexual diversity in Spain according to life cycle. A total of 6274 people, with a mean age of 37.85 years (SD = 13.03), answered an ad hoc survey on sexual diversity and associated experiences, within the SAFO Project (Salusex, UJI-UV). To analyze the data, six age groups were performed (18-25, 26-35, 36-45, 46-55, 56-65, over 65 years) with 50% cis men and 50% cis women in each group. Depending on age, it is observed that older people identify more with heterosexuality and younger people identify more with less normative and traditional labels. These differences are also observed when evaluating sexual attraction on the Kinsey continuum, with older groups showing the highest percentage of exclusive attraction to the other sex. In addition, the youngest groups are the ones who have experienced the most doubt and the most change with sexual orientation. The younger population seems to reflect and question their sexual orientation more and shows more sexual diversity than the older population. This effect may be due to the greater repression and scarcity of information on sexual diversity in the past, which limited the experiences and freedom of older people during their adolescence and youth, a key time for the development of identity and the formation of sexual orientation.
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How to Cite
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