Strategies in the preparation of support plans for students with atypical development
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Individualized planning takes on different nomenclatures and functions with different scopes, such as the Support Plan Centered on Students with atypical development. The general objective of this study was to develop strate-gies for preparing support plans centered on students with atypical development. Specific objectives were then established: to describe the priorities listed by the planning team and to prepare a support plan centered on students with atypical development. To achieve the proposed objectives, it was necessary to consult the results of two instruments used in a previous survey and administered with the same participants, namely the sociodemographic questionnaires and the Supports Intensity Scale – Children’s Version (SIS-C). The instrument used in this study was the Guide for Preparing the Student Centered Plan, developed by the author of this study. The participants were four mothers and four teachers of students with atypical development, two of whom attended a regular school and the other two attended an elementary education school with special education facilities. Education professionals from each student’s school, including therapists and pedagogues, also participated in one of the stages of the study, so that this study was predominantly qualitative. The results showed that, using the strategies proposed, it was possible to develop a plan for each student. The conclusion is reached that the entire process of building this plan is the main contribution of this research to future professionals who intend to continue research involving individual support plans.
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