Consumption of psychoactive substances in university students ... what perceptions?
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The use of psychoactive substances by young people in a higher-level academic context remains a current and disturbing issue for the health of the community. Implicit in these problems are the direct harmful effects involved, as well as changes associated with their lifestyles. In this context, it was described in the study: “Consumption of psychoactive substances in university students ... What is the reality?” as one of the objectives- To identify the habits of consumption of psychoactive substances of the students of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança. To this end, a quantitative, descriptive, correlational and cross-sectional study was carried out. A sample (nonprobabilistic) of 392 students was used. To determine the existence of substance use, the DUSI-R (Drug Use Screening Inventory-Revised) (Tarter, 1990) was used. Version translated and adapted by Rodrigues & Cardoso, 2013. Use of SPSS for data treatment using descriptive and inferential statistics with a 95% significance level. As a result, in the dimensions use of substances and family structure, there is a majority of respondents with a level of intensity considered normal. For the remaining dimensions of the DUSI-R, most respondents have problematic levels of intensity. The correlations between the dimensions of the DUSI-R were negligible to moderate. There is a statistically significant difference between respondents according to sex for the dimensions: substance use; behavior pattern; family structure; academic achievement; and, relationship with peers. In the dimensions of substance use and social skills, statistically significant differences were found among respondents according to whether they had already started sexual activity or not. There is a statistically significant difference between respondents who live or not in busy places, for the family structure dimension and, finally, there are statistically significant differences between respondents according to whether or not more awareness actions for the dimensions are relevant: substance use; behavior pattern; mental disorder; family structure; academic achievement; and, relationship with peers. In conclusion, in terms of substance use, according to DUSI-R, in global terms, the average values are greater than 15, with the exception of the Family Structure dimension, a value considered as the cutoff point for which habits are considered problematic.
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