Attitudes towards death and its relationship with social support networks in older adults in Campeche, México
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The objective was to analyze the relationship between social support networks and the attitudes towards death of older adults from two populations with different demographic density. A correlational study was carried out, with a non-experimental, cross-sectional design, with a quantitative approach. 400 older adults from 60 to 75 years old participated, from two locations of the state of Campeche, México; Escarcega and San Francisco de Campeche. A non-probability sampling for convenience was used. The instruments used were the following: 1) Scale of social support networks for older adults, showing the social and informal support networks, the type of support, the degree of satisfaction. 2) Scale of Anxiety Before Death. 3) Revised Scale of Depression before death. 4) Scale of obsession with death. 5) Collett-Lester’s Fear of Death Scale. The results showed that older adults with higher levels of social support networks, present more favorable attitudes towards death, as they are more satisfied with the emotional, instrumental, material and informational support they received. In conclusion, there is a relationship between the variables analyzed, such that a higher level of social support networks, there will be more favorable attitudes towards death, and vice versa.
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