The use of technologies to support distance education: perspectives of teachers

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Teresa Jesus Santos


Bearing in mind the social isolation caused by the covid pandemic 19, teaching and learning was only possible, through the distance learning format, using computers, smartphones, tablets, television, internet and digital platforms. Face-to-face teaching has been replaced by distance learning, forcing schools to rethink new ways of curricular, pedagogical and administrative organization, with the aim of being able to continue the teaching and learning process with all students. In this article, we present the results of a study that had as main objective to know the perspectives of teachers of pre-school education and of the 1st cycle of basic education, on how learning was monitored and evaluated during distance education. For this, two surveys were carried out by questionnaire, one for teachers of pre-school education and another for teachers of the 1st cycle of basic education. The data were collected, through the Google forms platform, from (n = 245) teachers from the same educational levels and we used the descriptive and inferential statistical treatment, using the SPSS software for their analysis. The results show that the majority of teachers: i) used videos, games, records and digital platforms (facebook, whatsap, classroom,) to the adopted manual; ii) communicated regularly and accompanied students throughout the teaching process. distance with the exception of students with no educational resources at the level of Information and Communication Technologies (digital). In the evaluation, the evaluative evidence was diversified since the individual work; files; questionnaires; Photos; videos; portfolio; Essay / compositions / critical reflection and others. Teachers and students adapted to work methodologies, to mediate teaching and learning, through the development of digital skills.

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How to Cite

The use of technologies to support distance education: perspectives of teachers. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 429-442.


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