Citizen perception of ict use and e-learning during the pandemic
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The pandemic that we are currently suffering worldwide has caused a behavioral change in all areas of life: restrictions on mobility, mandatory use of masks, etc. One of the most affected sectors has been education, since for several months schools have been closed, so that students could not attend classes. After the first days, the centers sought to implement as an alternative distance classes through digital platforms or videoconferencing, however, this situation may highlight and even widen the digital divide among some students, increasing the difficulties of illiteracy because all families do not have the same opportunities to access the necessary technical support. Given that education is a social and public service, a form was developed with the aim of finding out the opinion of nonteaching citizens on this and other issues related to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for literacy. The questionnaire was divided into four sections. The first to collect basic socio demographic data and information about their situation during confinement. The second section asked questions related to the decision to take classes online, related to the digital divide, vulnerability, literacy opportunities or digital competence. The third asked about the resource they considered most appropriate, and the fourth asked about the degree of appropriateness of certain tools during online classes. The sample consisted of 47 participants between 25 and 56 years of age, 30 women and 17 men, all of Spanish nationality although from 7 different Autonomous Communities. The results indicate that the majority opinion is that students have not learned during the online classes as if they had been in the classroom (85.11%), although 68.09% say that this type of class has allowed the literacy of students in kindergarten and primary school. In relation to the digital divide, 82.98% of the participants indicated that the closure of educational centers has increased it, as well as the vulnerability of students (70.21%), and that the use of ICTs does not promote equal learning opportunities (78.72%). The results also indicate that the main tools used for online teaching are well valued, with the use of video hosting platforms such as YouTube being the least appreciated. From this perspective, and in line with Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) of UNESCO’s 2030 Agenda, which focuses on guaranteeing equal learning opportunities for all, it is concluded that although ICTs have temporarily addressed an educational crisis, more work is needed to ensure that this alternative is a truly effective way of continuing with literacy in cases where compulsory education cannot be carried out in the school center.
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How to Cite
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