The atitude positive 3º ciclo social and emotional learning program a part of the gulbenkian academies of knowledge
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During the last 20 years there has been an exponential growth in initiatives that promote the development of social and emotional competencies under the guidance of the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning. However, the development of social and emotional learning programs in Portugal has been consistent (Cristovão et al., 2017), but slow. An independent analysis regarding the development of social and emotional learning programs in Portugal has concluded the the Atitude Positiva programs can be considered as among the programs with more scientific validation in Portugal (Cristovão et al., 2017). In 2019, the Calouste Gulbenkian Fundation created an iniciative, the Gulbenkian Academies of Knowledge to promote the creation and/or dissemination of initiatives for the development of social and emotional competencies in Portugal. As part of this iniciative, the Gulbenkian Foundation financed the replication of some blueprint programs, one of which was the Atitude Positiva - 3º ciclo SEL program. Therefore, this program was selected for implementation in six Gulbenkian Academies of Knowledge distributed all throughout Portugal. This, the present manuscript describes the phases of selection of the entities which sought to replicate the program, it also details the formation process, the assessment methodology, and how the implementation fidelity was controlled during the replication of the Atitude Positiva 3º Ciclo SEL program. The manuscript also identifies the conclusion that are possible to draw from this process.
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How to Cite
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