Covid19 confinement causes loneliness in older people. Systematic review

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Alba Vázquez Blanco
María Baz Codesal
María Paz Blanco Martín


Background: The current COVID-19 pandemic has been identified as a possible trigger for the increase of the feeling of loneliness and the social isolation among the elderly people due to mobility restrictions that has resulted in a limitation of contact with their loved ones and friends and a reduction of their leisure and recreation activities. In the city of Zamora, in January 2020, 38.41% of the population were people over the age of 60. Objective: To value the feeling of loneliness arising from the measures implemented against the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in people over the age of 60. Material and method: This is a Systematic Review. The databases consulted have been the following ones: PubMed, Cuiden and Cochrane. Thirteen (13) studies showing a link between the domiciliary confinement measures implemented against the spread ofCovid-19 home and the feeling of loneliness and with the psychological disorders experienced by the elderly people have been selected. Results: Enacted quarantine measures along with isolation sense have lead into a reduction of the social contact and have increased the feeling of loneliness of the elderly people, as well as a generalized sense of anxiety and major depression. Older adults should be helped to maintain the contact with their families and friends, in order to improve their mental health during isolation. Mortality is a basic fear factor surrounding COVID-19, especially in the elderly population. Quarantine measures arising from the enacted measures against the spread of the Covid-19c an potentially create a situation of isolation of people, resulting in negative psychological effects that include symptoms of post-traumatic stress, confusion and anger. Conclusion: It is clear that loneliness is strongly associated with simultaneous worsening of depression, anxiety, the concerns about coronavirus and their general health.

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How to Cite

Covid19 confinement causes loneliness in older people. Systematic review. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 471-478.


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