Gender, parental control and online victimisation: a systematic review.

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Cynthia Sanhueza Cornejos Sanhueza Cornejos


This paper aims to review the available literature on adolescent sexting and the possible relationship between the following categories: victimisation, gender and parental control. This analysis was carried out by means of a systematic review of the scientific literature contained in the Pubmed and Dialnet databases during the period 2017-2020. Ten articles were found, most of them written in the United States. The level of evidence was moderate between II.a and II.b and the grade of recommendation was B. The predominant type of studies were exploratory- descriptive and analytical-descriptive. The research shows a strong tendency towards empirical studies. Cybervictimization by sexting is significantly and positively correlated with gender and androcentric perception of love and romantic relationships; it is also positively and significantly correlated with non-functional perception of parental authority, while the degree of parental intermediation is very difficult to determine.

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How to Cite

Gender, parental control and online victimisation: a systematic review. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 35-46.


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