Fashion and health in the elderly. nursing literature review
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Fashion and health in the elderly. nursing literature review. The so-called “third age” is a phase of life, marked by prejudices. Body image is the representation of the body that each person builds in their mind, influenced by psychological changes. Clothes change our way of thinking and we can feel like superheroes only by changing clothes. Talking about fashion in the elderly, breaking the pre-established beauty canons, it is strange, the “wrinkle is not beautiful”, however, as consumers, they are an active group, and they will become the engine of the so-called silver economy, since “They are active people who like to take care of themselves, play sports, eat well, be fashionable and have fun.” Feeling beautiful influences the perception of health, that is, feeling good on the outside makes you feel good on the inside. The objective of our study is to evaluate the influence of fashion in older people as an enhancer of self-esteem, therefore, as an improvement in their health and to make Zamora a benchmark for the silverization of the fashion sector. (Silver fashion week space). Methodology: review of the literature. Results achieved: the elderly are a growing market, with considerable incomes, good health, interest in enjoying themselves, illusions and a characteristic consumption structure, their demands should be considered when designing and marketing making a comfortable and functional fashion. Discussion: few results have been obtained; Given this fact, we see that it is a novel topic. It is a topic to be developed in new research. Conclusion: the showcase that we see of people is, in principle, how they are dressed; the way to combine colors, to use accessories, to feel comfortable and elegant, influences the perception of health.
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