Practices which dignify the person cared for: Nursing students’ perception
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Human dignity, which involves autonomy and decision power, is a human intrinsic attribute which happens in the encounter of each other. This one involves one relational and fundamental respecting the cared person. In this way, it is important to identify the meanings given by the nursing students regarding the dignity concept and identify the care practices which dignify the cared person. In this way, it was created a transversal descriptive study, which qualitative and quantitative approach, done by 115 students from 2º year of graduation of Nursing, where 93 were females (80,8%), 21 were males (18,3%) and 1 other gender (0,9%), whit ages between 18 and 41 years old, average age is 20,61 years old. The data was collected through a quiz, which has been requested to reply to the following open questions: “Identify 5 words which associate the dignity concept” and “Which practices dignify the cared person?”. The data retrieved were analyzed using the analyze technique of the content from Bardin (2016) and IBM SPSS Statistics 20. The meanings identified with more selection from the students were: “Respect” (18,61%), “Honor” (4,35%), “Values” (4,17%), “Integrity” (4,00%) and “Right’’ (3,65%). Concerning the answers for the practices which dignify the cared person 7 categories showed up, following “Respect” which had greater relevance with 63 indicators; “Interaction” with 43 indicators; “Autonomy” with 28 indicators; “Life Quality” with 27 indicators; “Human Pillars’’ with 17 indicators; “Deontology” with 15 indicators; and “Person Centralized Cared” with 12 indicators. The dignity concept presented multiple interpretations, which difficulted the understanding and conceptual consolidation, existing the need to promote a bigger clarification, preventing the risk of this essential concept, for the praxis of care, being banalized
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