Socio-educational implications of generativity in chilean rural educators
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Generativity becomes a promising educational dimension among those who exercise rural teaching professionalism in Chilean school contexts. Its development would be given by the set of behaviors, practices and strategies that guide the professional work of the rural educator, manifesting itself in the knowledge, experiences and relational dynamics that they establish with the students and their communitiesof origin, favoring the historical-cultural recognition of the traditions and particular characteristics of the territory in which the rural school is located. Objective: to interpret and understand, from a generative narrative perspective, the behavior patterns built by rural teachers, contributing to the systematization and generation of new ways of understanding the rural professional teaching task. Method: a qualitative interpretive approach is adopted, following a descriptive, exploratory and cross-sectional design. The sample is intentional, made up of 6 educators who have at least 30 years of experience in rural schools present in the Metropolitan, La Araucanía and Los Ríos Regions (Chile). For the interpretation of the data, content analysis is used, following the logic of grounded theory and in-depth interviews from the generative narrative perspective. Results: In a preliminary way, the life stories of rural educators show the development of potentially generative pedagogical practices, characterized by the autonomy, humility and optimism with which they interact daily with students and their families, highlighting the pedagogical implication and the high expectations regarding development. of its students as dimensions of enormous educational value in Chilean rural education.
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