From inactivity to the feeling of utility of the elderly person: effect on reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression.

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Rosa Cândida Carvalho Pereira de Melo
Andreia Sofia Pereira de Melo


Inactivity and lack of social recognition have negative consequences, which can lead to agitation, depression and complications caused by immobility. In this context, it is essential to occupy the elderly person to make them feel useful. This study intends to evaluate the effect of the change in family context and care in Humanitude on the feeling of usefulness of the elderly person. An exploratory and descriptive, longitudinal case study (carried out over 4 years) with an elderly person (94 to 98 years old), in household context, before the family context changed, 2 and 4 years after this change. In these three moments, the following parameters were evaluated: depression by the Yesavage Geriatric Depression Scale - short form; level of dependence on Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) Scale by Lawton and Brody; vital signs; drugs consumed; and psychomotor agitation behaviors. There was a positive effect of changing the family context and using Humanitude care procedures in the elderly person under study, namely: reduction of depression symptoms, from severe depression (14), to no depression (5); improvement of IADLs dependency levels, from total dependence (1), to moderate dependence (5); decrease in blood pressure (TA) values, from 170/90mmhg, to 100/75mmhg; reduction of drugs prescribed and consumed, from 12 drugs daily to 1 drug; there was a reduction in the frequency and intensity of psychomotor agitation behaviors (tremors, irritability and emotional lability). There was also an increase in satisfaction with participation in IADLs. It was shown that the way we interact with the elderly person can have effects on their health and behavior. Thus, the training of formal and informal caregivers is important to give intentionality to the valorization of the active participation of the elderly person in activities with which they identify and which restores the feeling of social utility

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From inactivity to the feeling of utility of the elderly person: effect on reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 75-82.


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