Attitudes to death in adolescents: psychometric properties of three scales.

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María Milagros Armas Arráez
Olga María Alegre de la Rosa
Josué Gutiérrez Barroso


The need to measure adolescent attitudes to death, since the recent COVID-19 pandemic, has been unleashed in order to subsequently be able to perform psychoeducation based on the level of discomfort warned and to study the changes that have occurred in their attitudes during this crisis of humanity. Until now, at this evolutionary stage, adolescents considered themselves invincible, while thinking of death as far away, yet we believe that the untied facts have changed attitudes to the death of adolescents. Three scales have been chosen to quantify death attitudes: the Death Anxiety Scale (D.A.S.), the Revised Death Depression Scale (D.D.S.-R.) and the Death Obsession Scale (D.O.S.); as they had sufficient reliability and validity with other samples studied. Therefore, the goal was to validate the scales in adolescents. It was conducted through experimental, longitudinal, quantitative, descriptive, comparative, correlational and analytical research. The three scales of death discomfort have been applied in a sample of 1069 young people, analysing their reliability and validity. The results revealed high reliability (Alpha coefficient of Cronbach.719,.896,.920) and content validity (K.M.O..802,.929,.802), which indicated that they could be factored. Concluding that the three scales determine attitudes to the death of adolescents. Therefore, they can be applied after educational interventions to estimate empowerment in time of crisis.

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Attitudes to death in adolescents: psychometric properties of three scales. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 83-96.


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