Covid-19: internet and cell phone use and abuse in university students.
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The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a change in the life habits of the general population. In the last year, technology has constituted an effective resource for the student, at an academic, social and family level. However, despite the usefulness of new technologies, inappropriate or abusive use can lead to negative consequences in the student’s family, social and academic life. The objective of this work is to analyze the effects that the pandemic caused by COVID-19 has produced on the habits of young university students; use of new technologies, daily time dedicated to the use of the internet and mobile phone, as well as the possible problematic use of them. The simple consisted of 671 university students with different degrees from the University of Jaen. The questionnaire by Oliva et al., (2012) on the habit of using new technologies. The questions refer to the age of onset, level of use, daily time of use before and after COVID-19, type of activities that they habitually carry out on the internet and the problematic use of the internet and mobile phone in the academic, social and family. The results indicate that COVID-19 has caused an increase in the number of hours dedicated to using the internet and mobile phone. The activities for which they use the internet most frequently are academic work, email and social networks, chats or forums. Finally, among those who indicate abusive use of the internet and mobile phone, they indicated having academic, social and family problems. We can conclude that, although there is an increase in the use of new technologies as a result of COVID-19, their use in university students is mainly intended for academic training, although it is also causing some problems in different areas of life of the students.
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