Subtle prejudice and attitudes towards inclusion of maghrebi migrant teachers and students.
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In the last decades, many societies have undergone a process of transformation, with a great sociocultural diversity being increasingly frequent among citizens. In this sense, numerous researches have focused on studying attitudes towards the inclusion of the migrant population in different contexts. However, there have not been so many efforts to analyze these attitudes in the educational field, or to study other possible variables that may be related to them. Education is known as one of the main mechanisms, from an inclusive perspective, by which is able to improve social integration and intercultural coexistence in societies. In addition, previous studies suggest that different forms of prejudice, whether subtle or blatant, are related to citizens’ attitudes towards issues such as the educational inclusion of migrant students. The sample of the study consisted of 481 Spanish students (52% women and 48% men) aged between 18 and 88 years, who completed a self administrated questionnaire which inquired attitudes towards educational inclusion, levels of prejudice towards Maghreb migrants and socio-demographic variables. The results demonstrated that women show significantly more favorable attitudes towards the educational inclusion of migrant students and teachers, compared to men. In addition, negative correlations were found between the subtle prejudice towards Maghreb migrants and the favorable attitudes they have towards the inclusion of students and teachers of that ethnical population in educational institutions. Finally, the implication of the variables studied to have in the future more inclusive, socially just and intercultural institutions and communities is discussed.
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How to Cite
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