The motivation of university students to engage in physical activity.

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Miguel Ángel Durán Vinagre
Susana Sánchez Herrera
Sebastian Feu


Sports activity plays an important and irreplaceable role in adolescence, since its regular practice not only protects people against non communicable diseases, but also contributes to a better quality of life. The objective of this study was to analyze the type of regulation of motivation sand motives for physical activity that students present according to the gender variable. A total of 170 university students from the first year of the Master’s Degree participated, 35.3% men (n= 60) and 64.7% women (n = 110), with a mean age of 20.02 ± 2.55. They responded to the Exercise Behavior Regulation Questionnaire (BREQ-3) and the Revised Physical Activity Measurement Questionnaire (MPAM-R). The results reveal statistically significant differences in the variables intrinsic regulation (U = 1418.5; p <.05), integrated (U = 1520.5; p <.05) and identified (U = 2157.5; p <.05). Similarly, statistically significant differences were obtained in the reasons for carrying out physical activities in the variables of enjoyment (U = 1441.5; p <.05),social (U = 1917.5; p <.05), fitness/ health (U = 2533; p <.05)and competence(U = 1622.5; p <.05). With these data, itcan be concluded that the reasons for participating in physicalactivity havean influence on university students in different ways, since those most valued by the participants are those with an intrinsic and more self-determined association towards their own sports practice.

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How to Cite

The motivation of university students to engage in physical activity. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 137-146.


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