Loneliness and isolation in the elderly in Portugal: systematic literature review

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Eugénia Maria Garcia Jorge Anes
Ana Ferreira
Caroline Veiga
Inês Lopes
Viviane Cordeiro
Manuel Alberto Morais Brás


Portugal is one of the oldest European countries. Loneliness and isolation in the elderly can trigger enormous suffering, with great impact on their life and health. This work aims to describe and analyze loneliness and isolation in the elderly in Portugal, identifying the determinants and strategies adopted to combat loneliness. It is a systematic review of the literature. The search terms used were “loneliness”, “isolation” and “elderly”, in the scientific databases RCAAP and Scielo, with time interval 2010-2018. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria and evaluating the quality of the articles, 8 articles resulted. Mostly they used quantitative methodologies, with non-probabilistic sampling. Low levels of loneliness and isolation were identified in all studies. The determinants of loneliness and isolation identified in this review are the death of the spouse (50%), followed by the loss or weakening of the relationship with the children (37.5%), being a woman (37.5%), living alone ( 37.5%), the inability to perform ADLs (37.5%), increasing age (25%) and the presence of diseases (25%) and economic deficiencies (12.50%). The adoption of the adoption of mechanisms or strategies to combat loneliness and isolation are present, which show the search for activities of relationship, inclusion and, on the other hand, a certain accommodation when living alone. We conclude that the Portuguese elderly studied in general have low levels of isolation and loneliness. The main determinants being sex, age, the presence of the spouse, living alone, relationships with children, autonomy in the performance of ADLs, comorbidities and economic needs. As strategies to combat or control loneliness, there is the search for activities of relationship, inclusion and adaptation or accommodation when living alone. The knowledge of this reality is of crucial importance in terms of decision making.

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How to Cite

Loneliness and isolation in the elderly in Portugal: systematic literature review. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 509-518. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2021.n1.v2.2128


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