Effect of gaming vs. role-playing on the involvement of participants in the saludiversex program.
Main Article Content
The program of sexual education for people with intellectual disabilities SALUDIVERSEX is based on the relevance of active implication of the participants in the sessions to promote healthy knowledge, skills and attitudes. Therefore, in the sessions dedicated to conveying knowledge about sex/sexuality, sexual hygiene, sexual practices and safe sex, as well as, in the sessions dedicate to work attitudes for the sexual diversity and relationships are prioritized more the play. On the other hand, in the sessions dedicated to work interpersonal skills are mainly employed role-playing. The objective this work is to observe the degree of involvement of 29 participants of SALUDIVERSEX' Program (55% are men and 45% are woman) depending on the type of methodology used in the different sessions. The participants are between 25 and 60 years old. The professionals valued the degree of involvement of participants on a scale of 0 to 2. The results suggest that both methodologies are useful as users had a high involvement in both skill and attitude sessions. The worst results presented in knowledge sessions could be explained by the topics worked on in these sessions, as sexuality is more explicitly addressed, which could contribute to participants being more withdrawn by not being accustomed to commenting on aspects related to sexuality in public. These findings lead us to conclude that, it is necessary for professionals trained during the program to apply what they have learned, integrating sex education as one more activity in their respective occupational centers in order to standardize sexuality in this population.
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