Computational thinking, creation process of a video game standardised measurement

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Juan José Goyeneche
Emiliano Pereiro
Victor Koleszar
Esther Angeriz
Mónica Pérez
Alar Urruticoechea


The speed which information is generated and the easy access that exists today to many sources of information precipitates the obsolescence of acquired knowledge to the detriment of new knowledge. Many education systems have not been outsiders of this reality and have adapted pedagogical methodologies to include education by competences. These are the set of skills that encompass conceptual, attitudinal and procedural knowledge that allow students to face daily challenges effectively. These competences evolve by adding new ones, taking into account the needs of each moment, and it is in this sense that the idea of including Computational Thinking as a competence is gaining strength in several countries, as it represents a very important tool for learning science, technology, engineering and mathematics, which uses programming as a tool. With the aim of working on these competences, Plan Ceibal in 2017 carried out a pilot programme with 33 schools and by 2021 almost 54% of urban public schools were participating in the programme (voluntary). In this sense, it is considered important to assess the state of Computational Thinking in children and, due to the lack of standardised measurement instruments, the process of creating and validating a standardised measurement video game was started. This work aims to present the advances in the generation of a standardised measurement video game. The following specific objectives are derived from this general objective: 1. Operationalize computational thinking components. 2. Decide which components are measurable considering the format of the evaluation. 3. Give examples of the interactive items. The instrument is currently being programmed and validity and reliability studies will be carried out.

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How to Cite

Computational thinking, creation process of a video game standardised measurement. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 25-32.


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