The development of bilingual competence in preschool children

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Anabela Fernandes Custódio
Inmaculada Sánchez Casado


The linguistic and cultural environment is crucial for the development of a language, particularly for the bilingual child. If the context is favorable to bilingualism, the acquisition of another language becomes a positive skill in the child’s life. For children who start school learning in their country of origin or whose parents have Portuguese as their familiar language, terms such as “above, full, beside, many, far”, among others, designated by basic concepts, are naturally acquired . In bilingual children whose languageisless widelyspoken, in thecase of thisstudy, Portuguese, theremay bea deficit in understanding these concepts, which may eventually compromise the process of future learning. The inclusion of children in a society different from theirs means that they have to adapt to social and linguistic changes and the familiar language can be changed to the official language of the country. Taking these experiences into account, this study is developed with preschool-age children who live in a linguistic community where they are exposed to Portuguese and French from an early age. It aims to assess the understanding of basic concepts in Portuguese, in children aged between four and five years, through the application of the Boehm Pre-School Basic Concepts Test 3 (BTCB). Theevaluation process is developed with two groups A and B and has three stages: 1st - pre-test – assessment of the understanding of 26 concepts following the indications of the BTCB for groups A and B; 2nd - children’s games – implementation in group A; 3rd - post-test - application of the BTBC to groups A and B regarding questions not achieved in the pre- test. After data analysis, an informative set was created on the conceptual skills of children, cognitive development and the role of variables in understanding the concepts. 

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How to Cite

The development of bilingual competence in preschool children. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 33-40.


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