Systematic review of educational of self-regulation processes in students with ADHD

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Claudia Alonso González
Jesús Nicasio García Sánchez


We present a systematic review of the instructional studies published in the last five years on the impact of different techniques or programs on students with ADHD, mediated by self-regulation through the databases Web of Science, Scopus and Frontiers identifying 4021 publications, which, after the screening process, suitability, 8 studies are included. The four phases of the systematic review are followed, of theme and diagram of search terms, inclusion and exclusion criteria, analysis of the quality of the studies, and qualitative results and contribution of the PRISMA. The analysis focused on three types of indicators, a general analysis, an analysis of the instructional components and an analysis of the limitations of the study. It can be concluded that there are techniquesand programs based on self-regulation capable ofcontrolling the behavior ofstudents with ADHD. The added value of the work, its implications and applications, as well as future prospects are discussed, and the conclusions of the systematic review are specified. 

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How to Cite

Systematic review of educational of self-regulation processes in students with ADHD . (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 41-54.


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