Intervention on Coeducation through Physical Education. Reality or intention?
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Conscious and organized intervention, in order to achieve promotion of equal opportunities in school has been, in recent decades, a major goal of physical education (PE) in Europe. Through routines and opportunities that provide both boys and girls access to physical activity and sports (PAS) which enables them to improve skills, competencies and attitudes. We believe that the contribution of PE in education is of significant value, as it enables children and young people to build their body image and gender stereotypes, develop affections and emotions, cultivate their relationship with others, build capacity and values, thus helping the training of individual or collective attitudes that respect gender equality and human rights.
This study was conducted from the information collected through the application of a questionnaire to a population of 993 children, 57.5% girls and 42.5% boys, aged between 10 and 12 years, belonging to various schools. It aspires to compare the perceptions and preferences of boys and girls in respect of PAS practices that take place in PE, and to present alternative behaviors that are more flexible and inclusive.
From our results we conclude that the PAS in school remains very marked by practical training of movement techniques, games and sport competitions. These experiences, mainly identified with male stereotypes, do not always help, for many young people, the formation of a good body image and good behaviors that should be maintained throughout life.
We suggest that the activities offered to children and young people in schools should be more diverse and inclusive, imposing an appropriate level of performance and satisfaction to each case in particular.
The activities should also be more focused either on outdoor practices or in practices that develop the sensory, expressive and body dimensions of students.
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How to Cite
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