Design of a socioemotional education program for elementary school teachers.

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Maritza Palma Luengo
Nelly Lagos San Martín
Verónica López-López


In the educational context, special emphasis has been placed on the integration of the emotional dimension in learning processes. Therefore, this study seeks to design and implement on a small scale a didactic methodology in the socioemotional area to improve the effectiveness of the teaching-learning processes in schools. In the course designed, 80 teachers (60 women; 20 men) of basic education from four educational establishments participated; private paid (8), private subsidized (62) and municipal (4 rural and 6 urban). The course is delivered through Adecca’s institutional platform, using zoom for videoconferences. Each module is supported and complemented with written material (books, articles and learning guides) and audiovisual material (capsules, videos, web pages). It is a course of 45 pedagogical hours, distributed in 5 modules focused on the theoretical-practical and reflective, considering also the accompaniment to the teachers in the design and implementation of the educational programs that they had to develop in their educational establishments, through the projective methodology. In other words, the progress of the modules is subsequently reflected in a school educational project that is then implemented in the classroom context. In each module, the trends of the emotional dimension were reviewed, providing conceptual and practical elements to bring to classroom practice. The training course was positively valued by the participating teachers, especially for the opportunity to have an instance of collaborative work in the implementation of social-emotional education.

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How to Cite

Design of a socioemotional education program for elementary school teachers. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 129-134.


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