Transgender realities in adolescence: bullying at this stage.

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Tara Sánchez Sánchez
María del Pilar Etopa Bitata


The transgender adolescence is an emerging reality that has gradually adquired greater relevance and visibility. However, this collective is exposed, in numerous occasions, to a social stigmatization that leads to violence, discrimination and rejection; this leads to transphobic bullying being a recurring factor in the lives of transgender adolescents. This ignominy can mean that young people carry serious consequences, both emotionally and psychologically and physically, which can trigger, in certain cases, depressive and/or anxious disorders, and can culminate in extremely serious situations such as suicide. For this reason, in this work, we are going to analyze a case study, consisting of a sample of 16 teachers from different educational centers and 10 transgender adolescents, which allows us to establish the common thread of what transgender students face this stage in educational centers, taking into account their experiences and needs through biographical accounts. The results obtained highlight the need to alleviate this problem from the educational field by taking measures and actions that promote and show diversity as a source of enrichment, thus contributing to the transformation of educational institutions.

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How to Cite

Transgender realities in adolescence: bullying at this stage . (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 155-162.


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