Creativity – a tool for crisis management.

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Vera Cristina Vieira Ribeiro


We know that unlike other animals, the human being has genetic, intellectual, and mental capacities capable of creating solutions that go beyond survival, therefore, in this study the focus will be on deepening the creative process, looking for the origins that give rise to the materialisation of different forms and results. Several studies make us reflect on this place where ideas arise in the human being, some point to the unconscious character of the human mind, others to a creative source accessible and available to the individual. Rather than reflecting on the external conditioning factors, be they social, educational, economic, or racial, the focus of this article is to look for the internal register or place, which allows the human being to connect with the creative state. As an innate human resource, creativity must be understood, analysed, and practised so that it can be used for the benefit of society and the evolution of life, especially in times of crisis, whether at the individual or societal level.

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How to Cite

Creativity – a tool for crisis management. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 243-252.


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