Oratory and debate as enablers of critical thinking in post-pandemic times

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Carlos Robles Bonifacio


Introduction: Recent studies encourage us to insight into the development of the tools and skills that the debate and oratory provide us for the strengthening of the critical thinking. We are aware of the needs that we have in the current postpandemic times to facilitate our students a richer and more detailed vision of the reality. To be able to interpret that reality the better we can, enable us to make personal and social decisions to be more autonomous and responsible, thus, to be actually free. Goals: To insight into the oratory and debate concepts as adequate disciplines of the strengthening of the critical thinking. To link the critical thinking and the individual freedom as key concepts of the social and personal development. Aproach: In our memorandum we pretend to value and analyze the greatest numbers of variables involved in the debate and oratory discipline to lead us to a deeper development of the critical thinking. This memorandum has the goal to stablish the foundations for an statistic analysis that will allow us to relate oratory and debate with their implications in the improvement of the critical thinking.

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How to Cite

Oratory and debate as enablers of critical thinking in post-pandemic times. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 267-274. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2021.n2.v1.2180


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