Historical recovery of the emotion concept in vigotski: contribution to the thesis of the indissociability of emotion in human activity
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Considering the emergence of publications in journals in the field of "affective science" (Gross and Barrett, 2013) and being this a challenge to educational (Daniels,2011) and organizational (Fineman, 2001) studies, this work is the first step to conect the concept of emotion to the Practice, Subjectivity and Organizations / CAPES / BRAZIL line of research and to the Study of Educational Practices: the promotion of human development and the defense of diversity of Cognition, Learning and human development Line of Research/ CAPES / BRAZIL research project. This is to establish the concept of emotion in the activity referenced by the studies based on practice (Nicolini, 2013) and by the works of theorists that are based on a historical and cultural perspective of subjectivity (Vigotski, 1934/1993, 1935/1997, 1932/1999; Lane, 1995; Sawaia, 1987; Rey, 2004/2013). It is thus a theoretical study that aims to recover the concept of emotion in Vigotski. Vigotski's latest works were selected (1932/1999, 1934/1993, 1935/1997) for this analysis. This study has concluded that the scale of human emotion in the activity, with a view to concrete psychology, must first be considered as a social, historical and ideological category and not natural and biological.
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How to Cite
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