The importance of Bioecological Theory in the understanding and diagnosis the phenomenon of child maltreatment.

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Elisabete Lopes
Zélia Caçador Anastácio


Criminology, an empirical and multidisciplinar science, has crime as it s object of study and studies it according to the biological, psychological and social perspective, taking into account three aspects, three characters and three acts. Urie Bronfenbrenner developed the ecological model and later adapted it to the so-called bioecological model of human development. The same has been used by several disciplines to explain phenomena such as violence. This theory studies the human development according to the interaction of the process-person-context-time, being applied in a natural way of life, and can be used to understand child development and, consequently, the phenomenon of maltreatment against children, as it allows to analyze risk and protection factors while investigating their relationships. This paper presents a brief review of the bioecological theory and its applicability to possible situations of maltreatment against children, involving the importance of prevention and intervention with groups at risk, and may contribute to a possible diagnosis of these situations.

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How to Cite

The importance of Bioecological Theory in the understanding and diagnosis the phenomenon of child maltreatment. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 369-376.


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