In the web of fiction: the complex narrative of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy.

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Elisabete Lopes
Zélia Caçador Anastácio


The Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, also known as Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another, is defined as a significant, complex and therefore difficult to control and diagnose disorder. Its complexity is due to the fact that it is considered as a type of child abuse in which the aggressor, usually the mother, deliberately induces or simulates signs and/or symptoms of illness in the child in order to obtain attention for him/herself. It is represented by a triangular relationship that involves mother-aggressor, son/daughter-victim and doctor-health professional, the latter being used by the perpetrator of the abuse to satisfy his or her intrinsic need and, consequently, in the abuse perpetuation. The present article proposes a narrative review of the literature on Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy trying to fit it in the light of the designation of child abuse, emphasizing the behavior of the aggressor and the victim, at the same time that it seeks to alert to the need for its early identification by health professionals, as this behavior can lead to the child’s death.

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In the web of fiction: the complex narrative of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 377-382.


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