Analysis of the written productions of a gifted student from positive psychology.
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The topic of gifted education is found in many conflicts and inconsistencies that can be valid and rich for academic discussions, but that also contribute to stimulate barriers that prevent these students from receiving educational recognition. It is noted that, in spite of its importance, the socio-emotional characteristics of the gifted has received less attention than the cognitive abilities and educational needs of gifted children in the literature of the field. Considering Positive Psychology as an approach to Psychology that studies what makes life worth living and where the optimal experience is studied, that is, people being and giving the best of themselves, a case study is approached. The analysis of 3 text productions made by a gifted male student between 12 and 14 years old, who participated in a university mentoring program in Cantabria, is proposed. In the textual productions it was possible to observe the improvement in the technical quality of the writing, beyond imagination, creativity and transcendence as strengths that have evolved, integrated and established personal traits over time. It is hoped that the results of the present study can broaden the understanding of the emotional dimension of these individuals.
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