Parental educational styles in a sample of drug addicts and their families.

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Ana Isabel Isidro de Pedro
Lara Triñanes Queiruga


This research ddresses the phenomenon of drug dependence in relation to parental educational styles and the family as a risk and protection factor with respect to it. In this sense, a qualitative study is carried out through interviews with a sample of both people who suffer from addiction, residents of a Therapeutic Community, and their relatives. After analyzing the data obtained, it is observed - in line with previous studies reviewed - that people with an addiction report having experienced certain family situations compatible with those of authoritarian and permissive negligent parental educational styles. On the other hand, the families interviewed link the addiction to the peer group, although they also relate it to the experience of poorly structured family environments. In summary, this study highlights the importance of parental education as a key to preventing addictive behaviors.

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How to Cite

Parental educational styles in a sample of drug addicts and their families. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 445-464.


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