Attitudes of teachers towards students with high intellectual capacities and the importance of teacher training in this ámbit.

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Carmen Gómez Labrador


This research proposes to demonstrate how the specific training that teachers receive, in this case, on students with high intellectual abilities, is capable of favorablymodifying previous beliefs and attitudes towards these students. Numerous studies consulted worldwide confirm that understanding what these students are like and what their needs are, helps teachers to improve their attitudes towards them and their educational response possibilities. In this study, using the Opinions about the gifted and their education scale, original by Gagné and Nadeau (1991), translated and adapted into Spanish, an experimental group of 167 teachers from all the educational stages, with which a quasi- experimental, pretest-posttest design was carried out. The results indicated that indeed, after this training, some attitudes that the teachers initially presented were favorably modified, observing an improvement in terms of the subjective opinion they have of this group, towards the rejection that is initially assumed to these students and their difficulty to have good social relations and especially in the consideration of educational measures with these students, showing more predisposition towards the acceleration and flexibility of students with high capacities in the school environment, considering the educational inclusion of students with high intellectual capacities in the current environment educational field.

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Attitudes of teachers towards students with high intellectual capacities and the importance of teacher training in this ámbit. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 489-502.


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