TEI program: students as protagonists in the prevention of violence and bullying. Scientific evidence.

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Andrés González Bellido


It is a coexistence program for the prevention of violence and school bullying. It is institutional and involves the entire educational community. It is aimed at improving school integration and working for an inclusive and non-violent school, fostering more satisfactory relationships between equals. It is aimed at improving or modifying the climate and culture of the center with respect to coexistence, conflict and violence (physical, emotional or psychological). It is based on emotional tutoring between equals, in which students two years older are tutors of students two years younger. Respect, empathy and commitment are the basic pillars of its development in educational centers: The TEI program began its theoretical and structural development in 1999 from the original idea of Andrés González Bellido; and its application in educational centers in the 2002-2003 academic year. It is currently the most widely implemented program in Spain (by centers that apply it, by trained teachers and by students involved) and one of the first worldwide. It is currently implemented in Primary, Secondary and Special Education centers, Early Childhood Education, Basic Vocational Training and Middle Grade Training Cycles. Some indicative figures for the Program (2021): 1,500 Infant, Primary, ESO and Special Education centers 45,000 teachers trained in person by the TEI Program. 50,000 teachers participate in the program. 2,300,000 students have been trained with the TEI methodology since its inception. 300,000 new TEI students join in September 2021. 100% of the school’s students participate in the Program. Scientific evidence of results, the TEI program is one of the few programs on violence and bullying prevention. Carried out by the University of Alicante, in primary and secondary education centers, with an experimental and control group, Pre-Test and Post- Test, with a quasi-experimental design, with a sample close to 4,000 students. As a synthesis of conclusions, there are significant improvements in the variables evaluated, especially in physical attacks and cyberbullying, with a reduction of 52% and 28% respectively. The communication will expose the theoretical bases, the methodologies of the program, as well as the process of implementation and development in the educational centersand TEI cities.

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How to Cite

TEI program: students as protagonists in the prevention of violence and bullying. Scientific evidence. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(2), 47-58. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2021.n2.v2.2208


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