Breastfeeding difficulties scale

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Emília Coutinho
Paula Nelas
Cláudia Chaves


Background: Many mothers experience breastfeeding difficulties, specifically early in the breastfeeding process. Adequate support from trained health workers, notably nurses, is crucial to minimise the impact of breastfeeding problems. Objectives To evaluate the internal structure of the breastfeeding difficulties scale through exploratory factor analysis and confirm the hypothesised factor model through confirmatory factor analysis. Participants: The data used were obtained by applying them to a nonprobabilistic convenience sample consisting of 674 women aged between 15 and 49 years (average = 31,65 years ± 5,95), the majority living with a partner (93,6%). They are of Portuguese nationality 97,0%, have an academic level above the 12th grade 47,9% and are employed 84,3% of the total sample. Method: This is a methodological study, in which the scale was tested through content and construct validity. The psychometric properties were assessed using Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient ( ) for internal consistency and construct validity through exploratory and confirmatory factorial validity, convergent validity, and discriminant validit. Results: The exploratory factorial analysis led to a three-factor structure which explained a total of 68,64% of the variance and had a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0,919. With the confirmatory factor analysis, two items were eliminated for presenting multicollinearity problems. The overall goodness of fit indices are reliable, confirming the quality of the model’s fit to the empirical data. (x2/gl= 3,892; GFI= 0,962; CFI= 0,974; RMR= 0,049; RMSEA=0,065 and SRMR = 0,042). Conclusion: The results show that the breastfeeding difficulties scale has a factor structure with satisfactory results of validity and reliability, adequately representing the constructs in question. The breastfeeding difficulties scale can be used as a research tool to assess the difficulties experienced by postpartum women in the breastfeeding process.

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How to Cite

Breastfeeding difficulties scale. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(2), 59-70.


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