Emotional intelligence and eating behaviors in students of the Faculty of Education of the University of Zaragoza.
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This research was carried out at the Faculty of Education of the University of Zaragoza. The objectives of the study were to characterize the eating behavior of the sample, based on sex and to analyze the possible relationship of these variables with abnormal eating behaviors and emotional intelligence. The sample consisted of 115 students belonging to the Primary Education Teaching Degree and the Secondary Teaching Master’s Degree. The starting hypothesis was that those people with lower scores in emotional intelligence presented more maladaptive eating behaviors, which could influence their BMI. The hours of sport and sleep, as well as the quality of this, were also analyzed in order to check whether these variables could be related to emotional intelligence. Eating behaviors, sleep and physical activity were analyzed through a questionnaire designed for this purpose. Emotional intelligence was studied through the responses obtained on the Schutte (1998) EIS emotional intelligence scale. The results obtained showed that the students with the highest scores in EI were the ones who presented the most dysfunctional eating behaviors, in addition to the fact that these were related to higher values in BMI, less practice of sports and poorer quality and quantity of sleep.
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