Anxiety and graphic expression in hospitalized pediatric patients
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Even with the progress made in health care and policies, child hospitalization continues to be a vital event capable of generating various emotional and physical alterations, one of them being anxiety. There is a potential risk that a series of emotional and behavioral alterations will originate in the child that modify their personal development. Along with the emotional effects, another problem of hospitalized children is that of communication, since it is difficult for them to express themselves. The graphic expression of the child is in intimate relationship with all its evolutionary development and especially with that of its thought, with its modes of expression and communication. In this sense, drawing can be a useful tool for hospitalized children to relate their experiences and feelings without words. The objective of this research is to know the anxiety generated by hospitalization in children between 6 and 12 years of age admitted to 3 public hospitals in Caracas, Venezuela, and its relationship with their graphic expression in that situation. A quasi-experimental study without a control group, cross-sectional, quantitative, descriptive, correlational and comparative has been designed. The instruments used were the State-Trait Anxiety Self-Assessment Inventory in Children (STAIC), and free drawing, taking into account the anxiety indicators in free drawing collected by Acosta and Crespo (2002). The results showed that the hospitalization experience is perceived as a stressful life event that generates anxiety, as well as direct and significant correlations between state anxiety and the presence of anxiety indicators in the drawing. It is concluded that the use of drawing constitutes an effective strategy to explore children’s perceptions of anxiety about hospitalization, the impact of which requires that the emotional sphere be included in hospital care. It is necessary to detect anxiety and develop interventions to prevent or reduce its effects on hospitalized children.
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How to Cite
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