Aggression anxiety and to failure and school punishment and perfectionist traits
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Anxiety is one of the most relevant emotional disorders in the population, taking into account the excessive demand set by today’s society. This excessive demand, sometimes marked by a perfectionist personality trait, tends to further aggravate the anxious and stressful states of the individual. In this sense, it is important to keep in mind the student stage, which continually faces stressful situations. Therefore, it is convenient to observe the link between the perfectionist variables, governed by Socially Prescribed Perfectionism (SPP) and Self-Oriented Perfectionism (SOP) and School Anxiety, composed, among others, by Anxiety in the face of aggression and Anxiety about school failure and disciplinary sanctions. Hence, the objective of the present study is to observe if there are statistically significant differences between Factor I and II of the School Anxiety Inventory (IAES) and the SPP and SOP, as well as to determine the probability of presenting high scores in both Anxiety factors. School based on the SPP and the SOP. For this, a sample of 1588 Ecuadorian students was recruited and measures such as the IAES and the Child and Adolescent Perfectionism Scale (CAPS) were used. The results yielded statistically significant differences for IAES Factor I and II in both SPP and SOP, these being of low and moderate magnitude. Likewise, it is observed that as the SPP and the SOP increase, the possibility of presenting high scores in Anxiety in the face of aggression and in Anxiety in the face of school failure and disciplinary sanctions increases. In conclusion, the findings show that it is necessary to increase the number of studies on perfectionist variables in the country of Ecuador, taking into account its link with School Anxiety and what this entails.
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