Creativity is in the details

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Leonor Almeida
Sara Ibérico Nogueira


Creativity assessment is a challenging topic and several methodologies have been proposed, all with advantages and limitations. If figurative, they can end up over evaluating a design component that not everyone appreciates or invests in. If they take the form of a scale of self-perception or assessment by others, they become more permeable to social desirability. In previous studies we have worked with the Test for Creative Thinking-Drawing Production (TCT-DP), due to its figurative nature, simplicity of application and its factorial structure that identifies two dimensions of thought, conventional and unconventional, essential to creative thinking. However, some questions about the validity of instruments for evaluating creative thinking have been raised. Thus, we propose a quantitative assessment of the creativity levels of a specific group of individuals who work in innovation and creativity companies. In exploratory terms, we intend a finer analysis of the quotation criteria that seem to be associated with higher levels of creativity. We also propose the inclusion of three criteria centred on the subjective assessment of the quoter: the Impact Scale, the Integration Scale and the Adequacy Scale. The 29 participants (8 males and 21 females) are aged between 23 and 48 years of eight different nationalities, with higher education and work in companies in the areas of creativity and innovation. They have a higher average level of creativity than workers in general, as well as higher levels of unconventional thinking and conventional thinking. The most creative are also subjectively the best rated in terms of Impact, Integration and Adequacy and the highest rated in terms of Mood. With this exploratory study, we hope to contribute to the construct validity of the TCT-DP and identification of the most differentiating criteria of highly creative individuals.

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How to Cite

Creativity is in the details. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(2), 173-180.


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