Perfectionist automatic thoughts and spontaneous use of visual images in Spanish undergraduates.
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Perfectionist Automatic Thoughts (PAT) are rumors based on the need to be perfect, so it carries with it a high level of distress. It is therefore necessary to design strategies for the prevention and reduction of PAT. The present work was based on two objectives. The first of them was to analyze whether there are statistically significant differences in the Spontaneous Use of Mental Images (SUMI) factors based on the high or low scores of the different PAT factors. The second of them analyze the probability of presenting PAT as a function of the SUMI factors. For this, a sample of 791 participants (M = 22.5; SD = 5.21) was obtained and the Perfectionism Cognitions Inventory (PCI) and the Spontaneous Use of Imagery Scale (SUIS) were used as measurement instruments. The findings yielded statistically significant differences in Perfectionist Demands and Perfectionist Strivings, as well as in the total of the PCI in all the factors of the SUMI, as well as the total of the SUIS. Likewise, the results indicated that as the score increases in the different dimensions of the SUIS, the probability of presenting PD, PS and PAT in general increases. In conclusion, this study shows specific peculiarities of PAT that allow the design of prevention strategies on these perfectionist rumors.
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