Body motricity as a means of resignifying the sexuality of institutionalized adolescents.
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Sexual abuse in adolescents has a high incidence and, in its great majority, happens in the family itself. It is frequently hidden by the victim for fear and oppression of the abuser. Among family members, there is a repulsion generated by the feeling of shame or fear of reprisals in the own environment of the abused and abuser. It is known that this condition can directly interfere in the sexuality of the subject and this is no different with institutionalized youngsters. The body of the adolescent suffers in a silent way and often the body speaks through movements which signal dread, castration and even guilt. Through the body work called Relational Psychomotricity, the stimulation of the body is essential so that the subject can express him/herself safely and even give new meaning to traumatic situations experienced. Through spontaneous and non-verbal movement with provoked situations, the repercussions of a bodily memory experienced in a traumatic way can be perceived and reorganised. The reading that translates the suffering in the life of institutionalised adolescents through body motricity may therefore have a new stimulus to favour autonomy and sexuality. As a theoretical framework of Relational Psychomotricity, this activity that prioritizes the unspoken body movement is a healthy intervention to identity affirmation and assists in good sexual health of adolescents.
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